

Jayme Technician Assistant

I’ve always known I wanted to work with animals, and while ‘Professional Kitten Snuggler’ may not be a real job, this is pretty close. My favourite part of the job is the constant abundance of adorable feline friends, and keeping Instagram updated with a little bit of the adorableness we get to see every day.

I remember asking Santa in kindergarten for sparkly jelly sandals, the new Polly Pocket, and a kitten. And while my sister got a kitten the following year, I still continued to beg for one of my own. So it should come as no surprise that the moment I moved out on my own I got my, now 10-year-old cat, Molly.

My first pet was a little hamster named Chip, who survived a house fire and went on to live another year after! The Hamster was followed by doves, cats, and one dog! And now I have 2 cats and a Children’s Python, as well as the constant urge to get more and more animals.