Overweight Cat Help

Free feeding can lead to cat obesity, which increases the risk of various health issues.

While it would be nice if we could all have cats that we could just free feed and they could maintain a perfect body weight, this is unfortunately not the case for most of us. There are a few people that may have these cats, but it is not the norm. Obesity in cats is unfortunately quite common and can lead to a lot of other health problems. diabetes, arthritis, breathing difficulty and heart strain to name some. It is up to us as their health advocates to monitor this.

Is my cat fat?

We would be happy to have you and your cat come in to discuss this with one of our technologists. They can get a weight, measurements and get a feeding guide set up for you. Feel free to call us here at the clinic to make an appointment.

How can my cat lose weight?

Timed and measured feedings, as opposed to free feedings and more play activity, are a great way to help your cat lose weight! Also looking at the food that you are feeding. Some food is definitely higher in calories than others and different types of calories. Also, look at wet vs. dry. Did you know that typically wet food has fewer calories than dry, by volume? These are all things we would be happy to discuss with you!

What is offered in a nutritional consultation?

One of our technologists will weigh your cat, take their measurements and then can enter this information into a program that will formulate their ideal body weight. From there, they will go over diet options with you. This will be what type of food and amount would best suit their needs (taking into consideration any medical concerns) to reach their ideal body weight.

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