
Non-invasive diagnostic tool used to discover anomalies and provide personalized medical care.

X-ray imaging is a very important diagnostic tool. It allows us to visualize structures within the body, without the need for invasive procedures or surgery. X-rays may provide us with a needed diagnosis, in other cases, they may only provide clues or a few pieces to the puzzle of a cat’s overall health issues. As with any test, x-rays often do not provide us with all of the answers, and further tests such as blood and urine tests or ultrasound may be needed to get a complete picture of the problem at hand.

What is the technology?

Radiography is an imaging technique that uses electromagnetic radiation (x-rays), to view the internal structures of an animal or human patient. The x-rays that are passed through the body are captured as an image on an x-ray film or digital detector.

Does the clinic also do feline dental x-rays?

Absolutely! We do dental x-rays with ALL of our dental procedures. It is the gold standard in feline medicine and the only way we can properly tell if a tooth needs to be extracted.

How much do cat x-rays cost?

We would love to discuss this more with you, although this cost can vary. Please feel free to call us and we can give you a better idea of the cost.

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