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Your Vet Visit and Exam Explained
Your Vet Visit and Veterinary Exam in 10 Easy Steps

Your Vet Visit and Exam Explained

We prioritize a stress-free experience for your cat. We offer techniques to minimize anxiety during vet visits and perform thorough examinations to ensure your cat's health.

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Meet the Breed: Maine Coon
Meet the Breed: Maine Coon

Meet the Breed: Maine Coon

One of the most popular and well-recognized breeds that we see is the Maine Coon Cat. Just the name of the breed is enough to make people think of size and hair.

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Basic Cat Grooming
Basic Cat Grooming

Basic Cat Grooming

If you have a cat that detests grooming start with short periods of only a couple minutes with a grooming glove, it feels more like petting.

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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Most lower urinary tract disease starts in the bladder and is usually accompanied by some discomfort. Usually caused by inflammation of the wall of the bladder.

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Feline Upper Respiratory Disease
Feline Upper Respiratory Disease

Feline Upper Respiratory Disease

Feline upper respiratory disease (abbreviated URD) is a general term used to describe the sneezing, runny eyes, runny nose cat cold symptoms.

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Responsibilities of Cat Ownership
Responsibilities of Cat Ownership

Responsibilities of Cat Ownership

Adopting a cat is a lifelong commitment. as they can live up to 20yrs. Planning ahead is of utmost importance. There are many considerations when it comes to cat ownership. 

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Importance of Diet and Urinary Health
Importance of Diet and Urinary Health

Importance of Diet and Urinary Health

Problems such as urinating outside of the litter box, pain and straining during urination, blood in the urine and increased frequency can all be signs of urinary tract disease.

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Stress-Free Cat Travel
Taking the Stress out of Travel with Your Cat

Stress-Free Cat Travel

If you are planning to travel with your cat and have concerns about how to best reduce stress in your kitty, we have compiled a list of suggestions to make your journey happier.

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Parasitic Worms in Cats
Parasitic Worms in Cats

Parasitic Worms in Cats

Spring has a tendency to spark “parasite season” in the veterinary world. Outdoor cats should be dewormed every three months.

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Creepy Crawlies!
Creepy Crawlies!

Creepy Crawlies!

Happy Spring to everyone, we know our kitties are all glad to see the warmer days and the longer sunshine hours. But we are also starting to think more about parasites.

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Preventative Dental Care for Cats
Preventative Dental Care for Cats

Preventative Dental Care for Cats

Preventative dental care is one of the most important things owners can do to increase the health and longevity of their cats.

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When It’s Time to Say Goodbye
When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

The hardest part about being a pet owner is having to say goodbye. End of life decisions are never easy to face and it can be very difficult to know when that time has come.

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