Gold Level Cat Friendly Practice

Killarney Cat Hospital Named Calgary’s First Cat Friendly Practice—Gold Level by the American Association of Feline Practitioners!

At Killarney Cat Hospital, we provide every cat with the utmost respect and offer the best in medical care. We evaluate every aspect of the practice environment from the perspective of our feline patients to ensure they feel welcomed and comfortable. We are proud to announce that our efforts have been recognized by the predominant North American organization for the advancement of feline health care, the American Association of Feline Practitioners! Killarney Cat Hospital is currently the only Gold Level Cat Friendly Practice in Calgary and we are honored to provide this unique service to our community of clients and patients!!

What is expected from a Cat Friendly Practice?

  • Sensitivity to the needs of both cats and their owners: We respect the unique needs of cats in the waiting and examination rooms, when handling feline patients, in the attitudes and knowledge of our staff, and show concern for the comfort of cats and their owners.
  • Staff training and continuing education: Our staff is well versed in feline handling techniques and can expertly deal with frightened cats. Furthermore, our staff is well trained in alternate techniques to calm an anxious cat and ensure that exams and procedures do not escalate anxiety.
  • Team members are knowledgeable about feline life stage issues and care: We recognize that one year in a cat’s life is equal to 4-8 years in a human’s life. We know health issues change with age and we will adjust the frequency of health care visits according to need. Treatment is tailored to each cat’s individual health care plan.
  • The physical environment is all about the cat: Each area of our hospital is vetted for cat safety and comfort. We utilize Feliway diffusers, warm towels, toys, and other positive reinforcement throughout our space. Whether in the exam room, treatment, or surgery, we are vigilant in minimizing anxiety and building trust with both patients and owners.

As stated by the AAFP, Killarney Cat Hospital has taken the optimum steps to become a Gold Level Cat Friendly Practice by creating a practice that values the feline patient’s distinct needs in both the physical environment and the way in which medical care is delivered. We welcome all Calgary’s cat loving residents to stop by for a tour, meet our team of certified Cat Advocates, and discuss all we have to offer your favorite feline! We also offer Cat boarding facility at Killarney