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Goodbye Declaws, Hello Soft Paws
Goodbye Declaws, Hello Soft Paws – Alternative to Declawing

Goodbye Declaws, Hello Soft Paws

We are proud to announce that we will no longer be performing declaw surgery. We know many of you have shared concerns about this procedure which echo our own concerns.

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5 Cat Questions to Ask your Vet!
5 Cat Questions to Ask your Vet!

5 Cat Questions to Ask your Vet!

It’s that time of year again – time for the annual pet checkup! You go into stealth mode and creep up on your unsuspecting cat sleeping in the sun beam and pounce on him. 

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Goodbye to Our Clinic Cat, Taystee
Goodbye to Our Clinic Cat, Taystee

Goodbye to Our Clinic Cat, Taystee

A few weeks ago at a staff meeting the discussion of Taystee’s retirement came up. Although she made a fine clinic cat it was time for her to move on to her forever home.

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Choosing Effective Oral Care Products
How to Choose Effective Oral Care Products

Choosing Effective Oral Care Products

Dental disease is the most common health problem we see. Accumulation of plaque, bacteria and tartar at the gum line leads to periodontal disease, gingivitis and oral pain.

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3 Signs your Cat Needs Dental Attention
Top 3 Signs your Cat May Need Dental Attention

3 Signs your Cat Needs Dental Attention

Is the smell of your cat’s breath stopping you from cuddling? If you answered yes, it’s pretty obvious that your cat is in need of a dental cleaning.

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Preventative Dental Care
Preventative Dental Care

Preventative Dental Care

Preventative dental care is one of the best things owners can do to increase the health of their cats. Neglecting a cat’s mouth can lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease

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Dental Season at Killarney Cat Hospital!
Dental Season at Killarney Cat Hospital!

Dental Season at Killarney Cat Hospital!

Cats should have their teeth examined at least once a year at their annual veterinary visit in order to catch early signs of dental disease.

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Rover was a very friendly cat. He lived on a large lot beside the Bow River in Bowness and greatly enjoyed being outside except in winter when his trips were not very long.

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Litter Box Questions Answered
Litter Box Questions Answered

Litter Box Questions Answered

Conquer litter box woes with this guide! Learn how many litter boxes to have, which type of litter your cat prefers (clay, non-clumping, etc.), and how often to scoop and clean.

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What is Optimum Care?
What is Optimum Care?

What is Optimum Care?

By now, you’ve likely heard that we are now offering Optimum Care and maybe you’ve even checked out the website but you possibly still have questions.

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Let’s Talk Litter Boxes
Let’s Talk Litter Boxes

Let’s Talk Litter Boxes

Cats can end up in shelters or rescue operations for a number of reasons, but one of the most common reasons is because they don’t use the litter box.

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Age is Not a Disease
Age is Not a Disease

Age is Not a Disease

How old is old?  So often we have clients in and they say their cat is ‘old’ but occasionally their idea of old and ours is quite different!

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